Our addition to #scottcarpenterskatepark in Boulder, Colorado added some fun new obstacles & flow ✅✅✅

New addition + going up to the old Boulder skatepark

New addition to the Scott Carpenter park in Boulder, Colorado

A small addition to the old skatepark at Scott Carpenter park. This 5,000 square foot addition will add new features and make the park flow better as whole

A small addition to the old skatepark at Scott Carpenter park. This 5,000 square foot addition will add new features and make the park flow better as whole

New addition to the Scott Carpenter park in Boulder, Colorado

New addition to the Scott Carpenter park in Boulder, Colorado

Small Evergreen 🌲 addition to the old Boulder, Colorado skatepark 😀 fun stuff

🌲 addition to the old Boulder, Colorado skatepark 😀

🌲 addition to the old Boulder, Colorado skatepark 😀