Milliken, Colorado from Evergreen airlines

Milliken magic ✨
Photo by @artmarmot

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Skate shapes
Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Tail grab by Noah Scott
Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Wrex Cook blasting at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark Crew
From left: Justin McDowell, Jasper Kahn, Richie Conklin, Jesse Clayton, Joy the Dog, Billy Coulon, Noot the Dog, Heyla the Dog & Catherine Coulon

Jaeson airs over the hip at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Jaeson frontside feeble at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark
Photo: Taylor Dehart

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark
Photo: Taylor Dehart

Smith grind into the loveseat

Co-owner Catherine Coulon makes some noise on the exposed aggregate curb

The restaurant next to the skatepark shows our crew some love

Jesse Clayton backtail at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Skate photo by Taylor Dehart

Chet Childress Smith Grind at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Little Noot in front of the mini snake run

Mini snake run concrete pour

Hand-poured coping

Pool coping pocket

Real street construction at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Exposed aggregate coping with Noot

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark flat pour

Concrete pour

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Whale tail at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Mini snake run construction

Billy Coulon tuck knee at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Jasper Kahn ollie from low to high

Pump bump, volcano, pyramid combo

Color skate shapes

Lunar landscape

Richie Conklin flying at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Richie Conklin making saw cuts

Pyramid/volcano combo

The Boss - Noot the Dog

Power trowel art

Time to pour the flat

Colored concrete

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark crew
From left: Riche Conklin, Jasper Kahn, Heyla the Dog, Tavita Scanlan, Justin McDowell, Jesse Clayton, Joy the Dog, Catherine Coulon, Billy Coulon & Noot the Dog

Jasper grind over the love seat

Richie Conklin & Jesse Clayton smooth it out at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Not sure what to call this

Noot love seat / perch

Last pass at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Billy shaping

Tavita & Jasper work the poles

Dogs sunbathing

Men at work at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Noot hangs out in the bowl at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Jasper, Tavita & Richie finishing

Billy does a method over the hip during a staff test run

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Tranny to bank blend

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark Construction

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark shotcrete

Jasper shooting at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Rebar at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Jesse Clayton, Tavita Scanlan & Jasper Kahn working on the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Jasper, Tavita, Joy the Dog, Jesse, Noot the Dog & Richie working on the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Concrete pour at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

First concrete pour at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Bowl cage

Snake run & bowl forms

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Milliken, Colorado Skatepark construction

Site dogs: Noot, Joy & Heyla

Billy's rocking & rolling on site

6-foot pump bump

Bowl construction

Catherine & Joy on-site at the Milliken, Colorado Skatepark

Jasper Kahn sets the top plate for the bowl

Joy the dog checks out the bowl construction

Beasts on site: Joy, Billy, Heyla, Justin & Noot

Milliken, Colorado skatepark construction

Dirt work

Bowl excavation

Bowl perimeter

Site dogs

Milliken, Colorado conceptual design